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Literacy Trust's Young Readers Programme

Midfield Primary school's year 2 and 5 cohorts were very lucky to have been accepted onto the Literacy Trust's Young Readers Programme this year.

Sponsored by the local retail park, The Nugent Centre, the programme is designed to develop children's love of learning, and targets their ability to self select appropriate reading materials. The project funds three Big Reading Events; two held on the school premises and the third at the retail park. Each event involves creating fun and exciting book related activities for the children, with each child having the opportunity to select a brand new book to take home and keep at the end. 

Midfield's first event was based on magical worlds; where the children rotated in groups to visit Hogwarts, Treasure Island and Narnia. There they took part in potion making, creative arts and treasure hunting. At the end the children came together to talk about their favourite books and discuss how to use the 'five finger rule' when choosing a book suitable for their skill level. Each year 2 has been buddied up with a year 5 during the events, with the goal of developing peer mentors and buddy readers.