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Midfield Primary School's Intergenerational Project!

Midfield's exciting new intergenerational project between our Reception classes and Elmstead Care Home is our favourite part of the week!

This project is organised by coordinated by The Shaw Trust. The children meet up with the elderly on a weekly basis, alongside service users from Scadbury. Current research shows that children who regularly mix with older people see improvements to their language development, reading and social skills. Likewise by playing and talking with children, the elderly are less likely to suffer loneliness. 

So far the activities we have shared have included planting, worm charming competitions, painting stones, designing pots and leaf rubbing to make a community tree. At the end of each session we have squash and a biscuit and then join together in song, with children singing for the elderly and the elderly singing for us. It has a huge impact on all of the staff and children’s well-being and we look forward to it very much.